35,935 research outputs found

    Analytical drafting curves provide exact equations for plotted data

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    Analytical drafting curves provide explicit mathematical expressions for any numerical data that appears in the form of graphical plots. The curves each have a reference coordinate axis system indicated on the curve as well as the mathematical equation from which the curve was generated

    Rocket exhaust effluent modeling for tropospheric air quality and environmental assessments

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    The various techniques for diffusion predictions to support air quality predictions and environmental assessments for aerospace applications are discussed in terms of limitations imposed by atmospheric data. This affords an introduction to the rationale behind the selection of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Rocket Exhaust Effluent Diffusion (REED) program. The models utilized in the NASA/MSFC REED program are explained. This program is then evaluated in terms of some results from a joint MSFC/Langley Research Center/Kennedy Space Center Titan Exhaust Effluent Prediction and Monitoring Program

    Apparatus and method for generating large mass flow of high temperature air at hypersonic speeds

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    High temperature, high mass air flow and a high Reynolds number test air flow in the Mach number 8-10 regime of adequate test flow duration is attained by pressurizing a ceramic-lined storage tank with air to a pressure of about 100 to 200 atmospheres. The air is heated to temperatures of 7,000 to 8,000 R prior to introduction into the tank by passing the air over an electric arc heater means. The air cools to 5,500 to 6,000 R while in the tank. A decomposable gas such as nitrous oxide or a combustible gas such as propane is injected into the tank after pressurization and the heated pressurized air in the tank is rapidly released through a Mach number 8-10 nozzle. The injected gas medium upon contact with the heated pressurized air effects an exothermic reaction which maintains the pressure and temperature of the pressurized air during the rapid release

    A computer simulation of the afterburning processes occurring within solid rocket motor plumes in the troposphere

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    As part of a continuing study of the environmental effects of solid rocket motor (SRM) operations in the troposphere, a numerical model was used to simulate the afterburning processes occurring in solid rocket motor plumes and to predict the quantities of potentially harmful chemical species which are created. The calculations include the effects of finite-rate chemistry and turbulent mixing. It is found that the amount of NO produced is much less than the amount of HCl present in the plume, that chlorine will appear predominantly in the form of HCl although some molecular chlorine is present, and that combustion is complete as is evident from the predominance of carbon dioxide over carbon monoxide

    An equation of state for oxygen and nitrogen

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    Recent measurements of thermodynamic properties of oxygen and nitrogen have provided data necessary for development of a single equation of state for both fluids. Data are available in summary report and two-part detailed study on thermodynamic properties of oxygen and nitrogen. Same data are used to develop vapor-pressure equation and heat-capacity equation

    Cost analysis of new and retrofit hot-air type solar assisted heating systems

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    A detailed cost analysis/cost improvement study was performed on two Department of Energy/National Aeronautics and Space Administration operational test sites to determine actual costs and potential cost improvements of new and retrofit hot air type, solar assisted heating and hot water systems for single family sized structures. This analysis concentrated on the first cost of a system which included procurement, installation, and integration of a solar assisted heating and hot water system on a new or retrofit basis; it also provided several cost projections which can be used as inputs to payback analyses, depending upon the degree of optimism or future improvements assumed. Cost definitions were developed for five categories of cost, and preliminary estimates were developed for each. The costing methodology, approach, and results together with several candidate low cost designs are described

    Parametric studies with an atmospheric diffusion model that assesses toxic fuel hazards due to the ground clouds generated by rocket launches

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    Parametric studies were made with a multilayer atmospheric diffusion model to place quantitative limits on the uncertainty of predicting ground-level toxic rocket-fuel concentrations. Exhaust distributions in the ground cloud, cloud stabilized geometry, atmospheric coefficients, the effects of exhaust plume afterburning of carbon monoxide CO, assumed surface mixing-layer division in the model, and model sensitivity to different meteorological regimes were studied. Large-scale differences in ground-level predictions are quantitatively described. Cloud alongwind growth for several meteorological conditions is shown to be in error because of incorrect application of previous diffusion theory. In addition, rocket-plume calculations indicate that almost all of the rocket-motor carbon monoxide is afterburned to carbon dioxide CO2, thus reducing toxic hazards due to CO. The afterburning is also shown to have a significant effect on cloud stabilization height and on ground-level concentrations of exhaust products

    A Compilation of the Property Differences of Ortho and Para Hydrogen or Mixtures of Ortho and Para Hydrogen

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    Chemical and physical properties of ortho and para hydrogen or mixtures of ortho and para hydroge

    The thermodynamic properties of oxygen and nitrogen. Part 2: Thermodynamic properties of oxygen from 100 R to 600 R with pressure to 5000 psia

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    An equation of state is presented for liquid and gaseous oxygen for temperatures from 100 R to 600 R and pressures to 5000 psia. The pressure-density-temperature data available from the published literature have been reviewed, and appropriate corrections have been applied to bring experimental temperatures into accord with the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968. Representative comparisons of property values calculated from the equation of state to measured values are included to illustrate the accuracy of the equation of state. The coefficients of the equation of state were determined by a weighted least squares fit to selected published data, and simultaneously to isochoric heat capacity data, and to data which define the phase equilibrium for the saturated liquid and saturated vapor. The equation of state is estimated to be accurate for the liquid to within 0.1 percent in density, to within 0.2 percent for the vapor below the critical temperature and for states above the critical temperatures to 250 K, and within 0.1 percent for supercritical states at temperatures from 250 K to 300 K. The vapor pressure equation is accurate to within + or - 0.01 K between the triple point and the critical point

    An equation of state for oxygen and nitrogen

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    Preliminary equations of state are presented for oxygen and nitrogen which provide accurate representations of the available P-density-T data for both fluids. The equation for nitrogen is applicable for temperatures from 70 K to 1300 K at pressures to 10,000 atmospheres, and the equation for oxygen for temperatures from 70 K to 323 K at pressures to 350 atmospheres. Deviations of calculated densities from representative experimental data are included. A volume-explicit equation of state for oxygen to be used in estimating density values in the range of applicability of the equation of state is also presented